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Join I.A.T.S.E. 8 Now To Secure Your Future
For Your Family and You.
WANTED ........  Experienced Stage Technicians to work in All Theaters, Arena, Shops, Hotels, and Convention Centers. Local 8 is soliciting resumes from technicians in the area to join your Union. The Entertainment Industry is booming in our area. Job opportunities have resulted in the Local changing the method by which we have traditionally organized people. If you are working in the Entertainment Industry, we are interested in taking you into membership and placing you on the work list.
If you are one of the many people working non-union in the areas that support the Entertainment Industry or in the Philadelphia, Camden & Mercer County areas or have become frustrated in your job because of:
  • Low pay
  • Promised or implied raises which never seem to materialize
  • Irregular or "scattered" hours for which the total compensation fails to meet your family's basic needs
  • Lack of basic benefits such as health care, vacation, retirement account and a pension plan
  • Unsafe or unhealthy workplace conditions and your understandable reluctance to call these matters to the attention of your employer for fear of losing your job.
IATSE Local 8 may be the solution for you! IATSE Local 8 is a Union of highly specialized individuals who work behind the scenes in the multimedia collectively known as "Show Business." the letters stand for International Alliance Of Theatrical Stage Employees, moving picture technicians, artist and allied crafts of the United States and Canada, AFL-CIO... most members simply refer to the organization simply as "The I.A...”. Formed in 1893, the IATSE encompasses more than 120,000 members from locals located throughout the United States and Canada.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about membership, Please contact: IATSE Local 8 at (215) 952-2106 or DLittle@iatse8.com
Can I join the Union if I work in a non-union theater?
Yes, it is the intent of the Local to strengthen our crew calls by placing the non-union theater technicians on our jobs as Union members.
How much does it cost?
There is a one time initiation fee for Local 8 is $1000 dollars. There is also a $100 dollar application fee.
If I join, will the Union replace me on my current job?
No. The Local is in need of workers, not your jobs. The rates at the Union facilities are paying from $16.00 to $30.00 dollars per hour. We receive overtime after 8 hours a day, midnight, and on Saturday and Sunday.
Why should I join if I already have a job?
The Local has the contracts with most of the major venues. You will increase your work opportunities and secure your future.
Will I get Union calls?
Yes. The Entertainment Industry continues to grow in this area and throughout the country. The increase in jobs translates to the need for more skilled technicians.
What are the benefits of membership?
Members get to attend the Local's monthly meetings, they can vote on contracts and Officers. They can run for Office. Members receive the monthly Newsletter, updating them on the Local's work opportunities. Members are offered free educational seminars throughout the year. All members are given a life insurance policy.
Do I receive benefits?
Members qualify for full health care, medical reimbursement, prescription, eyeglasses, death and disability. The extent of individual members coverage is based on the amount of work performed on Union jobs. Besides health care, members receive a yearly vacation check equal to approximately 3% of their gross yearly wages. Employers also contribute up to 15% over and above the members' wages for an Annuity and 8% for a Pension.

If you know of anyone looking to be represented at the workplace by IATSE Local 8 please ask them to visit our online e-authorization card page at http://iatse8.com/authorization. It is simple and easy and can be submitted from any handheld or mobile device.

Regional Stagehands Bill of Rights

The regional stagehands in and around the Philadelphia Metropolitan area are a highly skilled professional workforce. The dedication of these workers to the art of entertainment cannot be questioned. The regional stagehands commit long hours and a passion for their work to make the experience of the audience enjoyable. In order to best serve the entertainment community, the regional stagehands have established a "Regional Stagehands Bill of Rights". This document identifies the minimum working conditions all regional stagehands are asked to support and maintain. 
1. A living wage standard to allow workers to live and work in the Philadelphia area as stagehands.
2. Minimum overtime conditions to address worklife/balance issues such as long hours and worked Holidays. 
3. Medical coverage.
4. A safe work place.
5. Training.
When in the course events it becomes necessary for a group of workers which have common issues connecting them to come together to protect their common interest, those issues are best resolved when those workers speak with one voice with a clear message. 

If you know of anyone looking to be represented at the workplace by IATSE Local 8 please ask them to visit our online e-authorization card page at http://iatse8.com/authorization. It is simple and easy and can be submitted from any handheld or mobile device.

Page Last Updated: Dec 12, 2023 (06:33:11)
IATSE Local No. 8
2401 S. Swanson Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
  (215) 952-2106

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